Button-down collars saw the light of day somewhere around the 19th Century. It was around this time that Polo was quite the rage in England. Every man riding a horse and playing the sport was spotted wearing an Oxford shirt. Not to forget, the collars of which flapped on to their faces when they rode in the wind. And then, let’s just say the rest is history. Soon after, collars got button fastenings on them, so they’d remain attached on to the shirt while Polo players aimed for their goals. Hence, the word ‘button-down’ or ‘Polo’ came to be employed for this classic collar. Once, worn by athletes, this shirt collar has now become an inevitable part of menswear clothing.

HOW & WHERE TO WEAR IT: A staple, even in the 21st century, this versatile collar is generally reserved for casual wear. But, it can be dressed up or down depending on the need of the hour. When worn casually, keep the top button of the shirt open or fastened, throw on a cardigan, pair it with denims or chinos and keep things relaxed. While a lot of people look-down up on this collar style being carried to formal events, what is fashion if rules aren’t broken? Team your Polo with a jacket, but remember to keep the first button open. And yes, you can always reach for a tie incase you want to make it a tad bit formal. The key is to always keep the collar buttons fastened.

Fret not, caring for your Polo collar is as easy as it is to carry. You only undo the buttons when wearing a tie. You keep it locked down, while washing, laundering, drying. Always go for a soft collar, and reserve a stiff collar for more formal shirts. Avoid starching and excessive ironing – you don’t want the roll of you collar sitting flat.
Classic, simple and multifunctional, a button-down shirt is your go-to for every kind of day.